This Voter Guide is for a previous election. Visit the 2010 General Election Voter Guide for current information!

2009 NYC Voter Guide: Candidate Profile: Jumaane Williams

45th City Council District



Jumaane Williams no photo Kendall Basil Stewart  

Jumaane Williams
[ D, WF ]

Salvatore A. Grupico*
[ R, C ]

Kendall Basil Stewart
[ I ]


Jumaane Williams


Party enrolled in: Democratic

Occupation: Non-profit/Community Development Consultant

Occupational background: Exec. Director, NYS Tenants & Neighbors; Housing Director, Flatbush Housing Corp; community organizer; after-school program director

Educational background: Brooklyn College: BA-Political Science, MA-Urban Policy & Administration

Organizational affiliations: NYS Tenants & Neighbors, Community Board 18, Brooklyn College Caribbean International Students' Association

Prior public experience: N/A



Email & Website links were provided by the candidate.


1. What is the most important issue in Council District 45 you would address if elected?

Affordable housing is a vital issue for our community. Too many families face foreclosure, and home prices and rents are still sky-high. Our district includes middle and working-class families who have lived here for generations, immigrants who have recently arrived, and everyone in between. None should be forced to leave because they can't afford a home or apartment here. I've spent 10 years working as an organizer for affordable housing and renters' rights - fighting to keep costs down and pass laws to prevent foreclosures. I'll continue that fight on the City Council.


2. What other important issues would you address if elected?

We must provide real opportunities for the youth who are our future, and the best possible care for our elders. On the City Council, I will push to give parents a stronger voice in education, reduce school crowding by building schools on underused land, and expand after-school programs to keep our kids on the right track. To protect the quality of life of older New Yorkers, I will work to keep senior centers open and expand programs that help seniors with prescription drugs, rent, and heating bills.


3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?

Now that we have a community organizer in the White House, we must have one in City Hall. I'm a first-generation Caribbean American, born and raised in this community and educated in New York City public schools. I have devoted my career to serving and standing up for families who want to be able to live here affordably, safely, and comfortably. For too long, our city councilmembers have listened to only to big landlords, developers, and donors while ignoring the people of their districts. After 15 years of grassroots organizing, I know first-hand what our community needs to grow stronger and succeed. I will put your needs first on the City Council.


(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)

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C = Conservative
D = Democratic
FJ = Freedom Justice
G = Green
I = Independence
JE = Jobs and Education
L = Liberal
LBT = Libertarian Party
NV = New Voice
P = Populist Party
PSL = Party for Socialism and Liberation
RTH* = Rent is Too High Party
R = Republican
SW = Socialist Workers Party
WF = Working Families

*Rent is Too Damn High was changed by the BOE to Rent is Too High after the printed Voter Guide had gone to press.