Ballot proposals are questions placed on the ballot for voters to decide. Voters
can vote “Yes” or “No” on the proposals. Ballot proposals appear on the
right-hand side of the ballot in the voting booth.
In the general election this year, New York City voters will be asked to vote on
five City ballot proposals to change the New York City Charter as recommended by
the Charter Revision Commission and on one ballot proposal to change the New
York State Constitution.
You will find material on each City ballot question on charter revision as
follows: the official text and summary for each question (as submitted by the
Charter Revision Commission), highlights of major pro and con arguments
(prepared by the CFB), and, finally, some pro and con arguments about the
charter revision process in general. (The official text and summary for the New
York State ballot proposal are also included.)
The highlights of the major arguments are based on statements made by different
groups and individuals, including those made to the Charter Revision Commission,
in the press, and in submissions to the CFB.
The order in which these ballot proposals are presented here is not necessarily
the same order they will appear on the ballot. They may also be numbered
The highlights of arguments appearing in this Guide do not in any way
represent the views of the Campaign Finance Board, which takes no position for
or against any ballot proposal.
The arguments presented may not represent all possible arguments for or against
the proposals. The CFB urges you to follow the public debate on the proposals on
television, in the newspapers, and elsewhere, so that you can make an informed
decision, and not to rely only on the information presented in this Guide.