You have the right to vote in the September 9, 2003
primary election if:
- you registered to vote by August 15,
- you enrolled in a party by the applicable deadline,
- the party you are enrolled in is holding a primary in your Council district, and
- you are inside your polling place no later than 9:00 p.m. on September 9, 2003.
You also have a right to:
- Get help from an interpreter supplied by the Board of Elections at some
polling sites if you speak Spanish, Chinese, or Korean. Call the Board of
Elections’ toll-free voter assistance number, 866-VOTE-NYC, for more
information, including which polling sites have interpreters available.
- Bring anyone except your employer or union agent to help you in the voting
booth if you are a person with a disability or if you cannot read the
ballot, including someone to interpret the ballot for you.
- Ask election workers how to use the voting machine.
- Bring materials into the voting booth with you, including this Voter Guide.
(Please take these materials away with you when you finish voting.)
- Vote by paper ballot if the voting machine is broken.
- Vote by
“affidavit ballot”
if your name is missing from the list of voters at your poll site.
You do not have to show identification to vote.