Party Enrolled
In: Democratic
Occupation: Environmental
Policy Advisor, NYC Council; Adjunct Professor,
Political Science and Environmental Public Policy,
Queens College.
Occupational Background:
Project Leader, NYC Elections Project; Budget Analyst,
NYC Office of Management and Budget
Educational Background:
M.S., Policy Analysis and Public Management; B.A.,
Geology - SUNY Stony Brook
Affiliations: President, Jamaica Estates Association;
President, Saul Weprin Democratic Club; Community
Board 8; Professional Staff Congress/CUNY
Prior Public Experience:
(Not supplied.)
I’ve spent eleven
years in City Hall writing legislation and shaping
policy as a senior staff member of the City Council.
For the last six years as a political science professor
at Queens College, I’ve had the honor of teaching
more than 600 students how City government really
works. I am the president of my local civic association,
and have neighbors who come to me to solve real
problems, every day. They are, in fact, my constituents.
My work for a cleaner environment has won me the
endorsements of national figures like Robert F.
Kennedy, Jr. No other candidate brings those kinds
of qualifications and perspectives to the job of
City Council Member.
I am prepared to act immediately on the issues that
are most important to the 24th District and the
City at large. As an educator, I understand the
value of quality public education and will fight
to enact a “Student Bill of Rights,” ensuring
every student a certified teacher and a manageable
class size. In addition, we need to ensure that
CUNY, our city university system, is affordable
and world-class. To improve police response time,
I will make sure eastern Queens precincts get the
cops we were promised under the “Safe Streets,
Safe City” program, but were never delivered.
As an environmentalist, I want to protect our children
from asthma by getting rid of diesel buses that
pollute our air, and continue my fight to preserve
our precious drinking water supply. As the only
union member in this race, I will fight for our
working families and make sure they are paid a livable
wage. I believe we must fulfill our special obligation
to those in their golden years, and I’ll see to
it that senior programs get the funding they deserve.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in
the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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