See “View
All Candidates By Office/District” or “View
All Candidates Alphabetically” for a listing of
candidates who appear on the general election ballot for the offices of Mayor,
Public Advocate, Comptroller, Borough President, and City Council member. By
clicking on a candidate name on these pages you will see candidate profiles and
photos submitted by candidates for those offices. The information and the photos
on these pages were given to the CFB by the candidates. The candidates have
signed sworn statements that the information in their profiles is true to the
best of their knowledge.
The information provided by the candidates is reprinted by the CFB as supplied
by the candidates. The CFB does not edit the information except to run a
standard spell check. The CFB cuts any profile that is longer than the 350-word
limit. This is necessary to meet the space requirements for all language
editions of the Guide. If a candidate’s statement has been cut for space
requirements, it will say so at the end of the statement.
The “View
All Candidates by Office/District” listings of every general election
in your area will show that some candidates are running on more than
one party line (because they have been nominated by more than one party).
The profiles of these candidates will appear in this Guide only once in “View
All Candidates By Office/District” and only once in “View
All Candidates Alphabetically”. Please
pay careful attention to the listings to
see the names of all the candidates in each race. Even candidates who did not
submit profiles to the CFB, or did not submit profiles in time to be included in
the Guide, are listed in “Candidates at a Glance,” with an asterisk
next to their names to indicate that they did not submit profiles.
candidates listed in the CFB’s printed Voter Guide do not appear in this Web
Voter Guide because they have been disqualified from the ballot or did not win
their party’s nomination in the primary election.
The views expressed in the candidate statements do not represent those of the
New York City Campaign Finance Board.